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Aligning Your Team To Reach Your Goals

Hi ~Contact.FirstName~,

How can you get your team aligned to hit their goals?

If you want your team to achieve different results than before, you're going to need to take those goals and translate them into behaviors that need to change. You've heard the saying, the definition of futility is doing the same things over and over expecting different results. You need your team to change what they're doing to drive better results.

Here are a few ways to achieve positive change within your team:

First, lead by example. It's important that your team sees new, positive behaviors from you, that sets the example for what you expect from them. Second, you need to explain why the goals are so important and connect them to the bigger picture. Let your team know how achieving those goals helps the company succeed, and how it affects your organization's customers. That way they can get a sense of the big picture and how they contribute to it.

Finally, you need to check in and follow up on those goals. This isn't the same as micromanagement where you hover over your people asking, "Did you do it yet? Did you do it yet?" That's not what we're talking about here.

When you follow up, you want to check in to see how things are going. If your team never sees you asking them how projects are progressing, they're going to assume that the goals and behavior changes aren't that important. Of course, if the goal is a real challenge for your team, make sure that you celebrate and acknowledge all progress towards that goal. With celebration and acknowledgment, your team will know that they've reached a new beachhead or a plateau and that they can then go up to the next level.

How do you keep your team aligned with the goals that you have?

Watch the full video here.

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Front Line Leadership Public Workshops

You can register your front line supervisors, team leaders and managers in our two-day Front Line Leadership program.

Toronto/Mississauga, Ontario, Canada: February 28th, 2018 & March 1st, 2018 at the Mississauga Corporate Event Centre

Dearborn, Michigan, USA: March 1st & 2nd, 2018 - Venue to be confirmed

Chicago, Illinois, USA: March 14th & 15th, 2018 - Venue to be confirmed

London, Ontario, Canada : March 27th & 28th, 2018 at the Highland Golf & Country Club

Windsor, Ontario, Canada: April 16th & 17th, 2018 at the Hampton Inn & Suites

Public course details and registration

Develop the skills your team needs to drive results and maximize engagement. Call us at 1-866-700-9043, email or click here to contact us today.

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Thank you for investing your time in developing your leadership skills. Accept our best wishes for success on your leadership journey.

Greg Schinkel, CSP
President Front Line Leadership Systems


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Frontline Leadership

Front Line Leadership Systems
313-556-2454 or 866-700-9043

Front Line Leadership Systems, 3200 Greenfield Road, Dearborn, MI 48120
Canadian address: 151 York Street, London, Ontario N6A 1A8 Canada